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Itchy-Feet Travel Blog

ITCHY-FEET is a photo travel blog which stands for passion to discover something new and the desire to bring back the spirit and soul of traveling. Traveling reminds us that luck is not a place and that the world is not as small as we often think. ITCHY-FEET is not just a synonymic for “Wanderlust” it represents the quality of a brand which summarizes information about traveling and tells the world about a blog. It creates trust and is a very helpful and supporting tool when it comes to decisions.

You can expect posts about:

Suriname’s green gold

This time, I’ve turned my entire adventure into a book you can read—and own! Suriname, the greenest country on earth. The engine’s hum reverberated in perfect sync with the rhythm of my heartbeat, like a hidden symphony resonating through my veins—a symphony composed of hope and uncertainty. In the distorted

Socotra, the elusive paradise

In the Arabian Sea – where the Gulf of Aden opens towards the Indian Ocean – lies an island named Socotra, belonging to the territory of Yemen. Hosting a few tens of thousands of people, being so far off land and with very peculiar climate conditions, the island is home

Namibia, from colonization to conservation

Before getting into details of the Namibia tour 2021, organised and carried out by https://special-adventure.de I would like to share with you some precolonial facts, the present state, and a reckless overview on Namibia’s economic outlook. Namibia is a diverse country of hunter-gatherers, traditional pastoralists, subsistence and commercial farmers, traders,

Wildlife-Tourism, Uganda’s largest source of income

Wildlife tourism is the largest source of income for Uganda’s national budget, more than the export of coffee, tea, cotton and gold combined! 5-star safari lodges are being built around the parks. Tourists from all over the world pay up to $ 360 a night there. A day pass into

About Me

Roland Hummer

The passion about traveling is, to intercept ones life ‚here‘ to continue it ‚there‘. A sweet self-deception… with a pleasant connotation. ITCHY-FEET – Travel Blog